We|coMe To @iNi's SpaCe

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Spiderman 3

I only watched Spiderman 2 and never was a spider fan but i wanted to watch because the trailer was cool. LOL. It attracted me to watch somehow. Hehe.

The movie was cool. Fill with action a life of humour and the ending was a life touching. Well, the part i like best is definitely the humour part. LOL. The part whereby the editor's alarm shocked him and shoke the whole table. LOL. Blood pressure.. Hahah. That was damn funny. Hoho.

Black spider looks cooler but it did not last long. Too bad. Honestly i was shocked a few times. Man.. my heart is weak. Hah. That's the cool part of Spider 3. Action pack. Action lovers might not feel anything but i did. Huh. I dislike the part whereby they moved so fast.. the graphic seems blur. =P

The great thing is I'm not going to story tell the movie. You guys have to watch it for yourself.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day
There is no word that speaks of tenderness and love as much as the word "mother". Some may express in different ways, like "mama", "ma", "mom", "mommy", but the heart languange is one of love.

From the first mom, Eve, till today, the heart of a mother does not change. It is a heart of love her children. From the early sunrise to the late night, she works hard for the sake of her family. Often her sacrifice goes unnoticed, unappreciated, forgotten. And yet, she keeps giving and giving, not seeking rewards except the hope that her children will grow up to fulfill a happy and meaningful life.

Her life and her love for her family is indeed The Fragance Of Love. Her commitment and sacrifices is indeed what perfumes the home. This Mother's Day, let us pray and give thanks for our mother, the silent and unspoken heroes of many homes.

~*A Sweet Mother's Love*~

A Mother's love is truly priceless;
Worth more than diamonds, silver, or gold.
We recognize her sacrificesAs,
through the years, our lives unfold.
She taught us all about God's word.
With unending faith, her voice was heard.
Her patient heart came from above,
For us to cherish 'Sweet Mother's love'.
Mother's don't judge you, even if you're wrong.
Their love is steadfast, loyal, and strong.
She sows good seed, from up above,
Then cultivates them with her love.
A Mother's love is rare, indeed.
She takes care of our every need.
Even when her golden hair turns gray,
Sweet Mother's love is here to stay.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
I love You!
And, Happy Mother's Day
To all Mothers, everywhere.